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Back to school

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Following the article about the London2Sydney expedition in Bedford’s Times & Citizen newspaper, we’ve received a number of messages from well-wishers and several donations to CRUK. It’s always nice to receive messages of support and especially nice to know that the expedition is succeeding in its aim of raising money for CRUK.

One phone call I received was certainly a pleasant surprise: the voice on the end of the phone was that of Phillip Lewis, a teacher at Bedford Preparatory School, who once upon a time had the dubious honour of teaching me history. Having read about the expedition in the paper, Mr Lewis was calling to invite me to come and address the school at their Wednesday morning assembly. I was delighted and honoured to accept and so, on Wednesday morning, armed with a slide show of images of scenes along our route, I clambered into Squiffy and made my way through Bedford back to my old school.

It is a strange experience visiting a place that has filled your head with so many memories. It is an even stranger experience drinking coffee with some of your former teachers in the once-mysterious and forbidden realm of the school staff room!

Mr Lewis and I teamed up to give an interview-style presentation, and me the opportunity to give the boys some more information about the expedition. It was a delight to see so many keen faces! Once especially keen boy even approached me afterwards to enquire about the address of the expedition website!

As chance would have it, next Saturday is the day of Bedford Prep School’s Summer Extravaganza, an annual event which sees the boys of the school, including the inevitable but eternally popular “throw a wet sponge at a teacher” stall. Mr Lewis asked me if I would like to bring Squiffy along to the event, show her to the boys and try and raise some more money for CRUK. I was delighted to accept his invitation, so next weekend, Squiffy will be performing her first public engagement!

I thoroughly enjoyed coming back to visit the school and speak to the boys, and would like to thank Phillip Lewis for giving me the opportunity of doing so. A full report on Squiffy’s trip to the Extravaganza will be up after the weekend!

Quick note: There’s more about Andy’s visit to Bedford Prep School in this news article on the School’s own website!

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