We’re extremely grateful to all our sponsors who have helped make the expedition possible and, in so doing, helped us to raise even more money for CRUK. Please do click on some of the links below to find out more about the companies involved.

Synonymous with adventurous travel, accurate information and high quality writing, we’re delighted that Lonely Planet have been able to supply us with all the guide books we’re going to need for our journey, covering every country from here to Australia. We’re extremely proud to have them on board as a sponsor and delighted that we’ll be using their superb books. When asked about his choice of guide books for the expedition, expedition leader Andy commented, “Wherever I’m travelling, Lonely Planet guides are my first choice. I wouldn’t take anything else.”

The London2Sydney expedition will undoubtedly be an amazing experience, but we want to share it with everyone following our progress. To achieve this we needed to put the latest computing technology at the forefront of the expedition, so naturally we turned to Microsoft. Microsoft were quick to recognise our shared visions, and immediately offered to help us turn our vision into reality. Along with a satellite phone, the latest GPS systems and our digital cameras, our expedition laptop running Microsoft Windows XP will form the core of our expedition technology on the road, allowing us to update our expedition diary all the way along our route and enrich our diary content with beautiful full colour photographs and pin-point GPS position fixes.

At the heart of the London2Sydney expedition is our van, and at the heart of our van is it’s engine. For us to arrive safely in Sydney we needed an engine that we could rely on totally and we wanted nothing but the best. So we called Lee at L.A. Performance and not only was he delighted to give our van’s engine a complete overhaul and rebuild, but he offered us a generous sponsorship too. Our engine is now running even better then it would have done as it rolled off the production line in 1977!

No stranger to travel and adventure, with a presence in over 150 countries in the world, it’s easy to understand why Schlumberger were enthusiastic about supporting the London2Sydney expedition. Thanks to Schlumberger, we’re very pleased to be able to offer potential sponsors a unique opportunity to promote their company and support the expedition by specially branding our expedition clothing. Do contact us for more information! Schlumberger have also generously supported the charitable aims of the expedition.

One of the expedition’s first sponsors, Colorscope were kind enough to sponsor the printing of our expedition brochure, and we were delighted with the results. For high quality results and excellent customer service, they come highly recommended.
If your company or organisation would be interested in supporting our expedition too by way of sponsorship, please don’t hesitate to contact us at sponsors@london2sydney.org.